In general matlab plot fonts are not clearly visible in linux especially in ubuntu.
There we need to install some fonts.
open terminal by pressing Alt+Ctrl+T
then enter the following:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gsfonts-x11
This will install only Helvetica very small and very large fonts.
to install intermediate size fonts also
enter the following command in terminal:
sudo apt-get install xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi
But still times new roman and courier arial etc truetype fonts will not work yet...
installation of ttf-mscorefonts-installer also will not serve the purpose.
ie; sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
The problem is that in linux matlab we need postscript fonts to display in figures
ie; the font files with an extension .pfb, .afm etc...
Here is a list of fonts available online.
/AlbertusMedium (0001____.pfb) ;
/AlbertusExtraBold (0002____.pfb) ;
/AntiqueOlive (0003____.pfb) ;
/AntiqueOlive-Italic (0004____.pfb) ;
/AntiqueOlive-Bold (0005____.pfb) ;
/ClarendonCondensed (0006____.pfb) ;
/Coronet (0007____.pfb) ;
/Courier (0008____.pfb) ;
/Courier-Italic (0009____.pfb) ;
/Courier-Bold (0010____.pfb) ;
/Courier-BoldItalic (0011____.pfb) ;
/Garamond (0012____.pfb) ;
/Garamond-Italic (0013____.pfb) ;
/Garamond-Bold (0014____.pfb) ;
/Garamond-BoldItalic (0015____.pfb) ;
/LetterGothic (0016____.pfb) ;
/LetterGothic-Italic (0017____.pfb) ;
/LetterGothic-Bold (0018____.pfb) ;
/Marigold (0020____.pfb) ;
/CGOmega (0021____.pfb) ;
/CGOmega-Italic (0022____.pfb) ;
/CGOmega-Bold (0023____.pfb) ;
/CGOmega-BoldItalic (0024____.pfb) ;
/CGTimes (0025____.pfb) ;
/CGTimes-Italic (0026____.pfb) ;
/CGTimes-Bold (0027____.pfb) ;
/CGTimes-BoldItalic (0028____.pfb) ;
/Univers (0029____.pfb) ;
/Univers-Italic (0030____.pfb) ;
/Univers-Bold (0031____.pfb) ;
/Univers-BoldItalic (0032____.pfb) ;
/UniversCondensed (0033____.pfb) ;
/UniversCondensed-Italic (0034____.pfb) ;
/UniversCondensed-Bold (0035____.pfb) ;
/UniversCondensed-BoldItalic (0036____.pfb) ;
/Arial-Roman (0037____.pfb) ;
/Arial-Italic (0038____.pfb) ;
/Arial-Bold (0039____.pfb) ;
/Arial-BoldItalic (0040____.pfb) ;
/TimesNewRoman (0041____.pfb) ;
/TimesNewRoman-Italic (0042____.pfb) ;
/TimesNewRoman-Bold (0043____.pfb) ;
/TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic (0044____.pfb) ;
/Symbol (symbol__.pfb) ;
/Tidbits (tidbits_.pfb) ;
The download link is here:
Download the file and keep it on Desktop.
Then open a terminal by "Alt+Ctrl+T"
and enter the following commands:
cd Desktop
tar -xzvf truetype.tar.gz
sudo cp -r truetype /usr/share/fonts/X11/
sudo fc-cache -fv
This will make the truetype fonts clearly visible in matlab linux...
But this is also not a complete solution...
Some very large and some italic fonts are not working properly...
But it is a major step forward for the basic problem...
There we need to install some fonts.
open terminal by pressing Alt+Ctrl+T
then enter the following:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gsfonts-x11
This will install only Helvetica very small and very large fonts.
to install intermediate size fonts also
enter the following command in terminal:
sudo apt-get install xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi
But still times new roman and courier arial etc truetype fonts will not work yet...
installation of ttf-mscorefonts-installer also will not serve the purpose.
ie; sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
The problem is that in linux matlab we need postscript fonts to display in figures
ie; the font files with an extension .pfb, .afm etc...
Here is a list of fonts available online.
/AlbertusMedium (0001____.pfb) ;
/AlbertusExtraBold (0002____.pfb) ;
/AntiqueOlive (0003____.pfb) ;
/AntiqueOlive-Italic (0004____.pfb) ;
/AntiqueOlive-Bold (0005____.pfb) ;
/ClarendonCondensed (0006____.pfb) ;
/Coronet (0007____.pfb) ;
/Courier (0008____.pfb) ;
/Courier-Italic (0009____.pfb) ;
/Courier-Bold (0010____.pfb) ;
/Courier-BoldItalic (0011____.pfb) ;
/Garamond (0012____.pfb) ;
/Garamond-Italic (0013____.pfb) ;
/Garamond-Bold (0014____.pfb) ;
/Garamond-BoldItalic (0015____.pfb) ;
/LetterGothic (0016____.pfb) ;
/LetterGothic-Italic (0017____.pfb) ;
/LetterGothic-Bold (0018____.pfb) ;
/Marigold (0020____.pfb) ;
/CGOmega (0021____.pfb) ;
/CGOmega-Italic (0022____.pfb) ;
/CGOmega-Bold (0023____.pfb) ;
/CGOmega-BoldItalic (0024____.pfb) ;
/CGTimes (0025____.pfb) ;
/CGTimes-Italic (0026____.pfb) ;
/CGTimes-Bold (0027____.pfb) ;
/CGTimes-BoldItalic (0028____.pfb) ;
/Univers (0029____.pfb) ;
/Univers-Italic (0030____.pfb) ;
/Univers-Bold (0031____.pfb) ;
/Univers-BoldItalic (0032____.pfb) ;
/UniversCondensed (0033____.pfb) ;
/UniversCondensed-Italic (0034____.pfb) ;
/UniversCondensed-Bold (0035____.pfb) ;
/UniversCondensed-BoldItalic (0036____.pfb) ;
/Arial-Roman (0037____.pfb) ;
/Arial-Italic (0038____.pfb) ;
/Arial-Bold (0039____.pfb) ;
/Arial-BoldItalic (0040____.pfb) ;
/TimesNewRoman (0041____.pfb) ;
/TimesNewRoman-Italic (0042____.pfb) ;
/TimesNewRoman-Bold (0043____.pfb) ;
/TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic (0044____.pfb) ;
/Symbol (symbol__.pfb) ;
/Tidbits (tidbits_.pfb) ;
The download link is here:
Download the file and keep it on Desktop.
Then open a terminal by "Alt+Ctrl+T"
and enter the following commands:
cd Desktop
tar -xzvf truetype.tar.gz
sudo cp -r truetype /usr/share/fonts/X11/
sudo fc-cache -fv
This will make the truetype fonts clearly visible in matlab linux...
But this is also not a complete solution...
Some very large and some italic fonts are not working properly...
But it is a major step forward for the basic problem...